Custom wallpapers

Custom Wallpapers

If you want to add more default wallpapers for your players to choose from, you can do so by following these steps:

Add the images

Add the wallpapers to the lb-phone/ui/dist/assets/img/backgrounds/default folder

Update the config

After having added the images, you need to update the lb-phone/config/config.json file. Add the following to the "wallpapers" object:

"wallpapers": {
	"default": "default.jpg",
	"cloud": "cloud.jpg",
	"cloud2": "cloud2.jpg",
    "your_custom_wallpaper": "wallpaper-name.extension"

"your_custom_wallpaper" is a unique identifier (name) for the wallpaper. "wallpaper-name.extension" is the filename of the wallpaper you added to the default folder.

Do not add a comma to the end of the last wallpaper

Restart the phone

After adding the images and updating the config, you need to restart the phone for the changes to take effect.