State Bags

The phone uses state bags to sync data between clients. Read more about state bags (opens in a new tab).


NameData TypeDescription
phoneOpenbooleanWhether the phone is open or not.
phoneNumberstringThe phone number, e.g. 01234567890
phoneNamestringThe phone name, e.g. "Loaf's Phone"
flashlightbooleanWhether the flashlight is on or not.


NameData TypeDescription
speakerphonebooleanIf speakerphone is enabled or not
mutedCallbooleanIf the call is muted or not
otherMutedCallbooleanWhether or not the other person in the call is muted
onCallWithnumberThe source the player is on call with
callAnsweredbooleanWhether the call has been answered or not


NameData TypeDescription
instapicIsLivebooleanIf the player is live on InstaPic